Landscaping Ideas on a Budget: Using Low Maintenance Plants


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    Landscaping Ideas on a Budget: Using Low Maintenance Plants

    Landscaping Ideas | November 1, 2018

    One of the simplest landscaping ideas for working on a budget is using low maintenance plants because they are often affordable and require very little upkeep. At Jovak Landscape and Design, we understand how beneficial it is to have a beautiful outdoor space, no matter how small the budget you have to work with. That is why our landscaping services for landscape design are tailored to suit each client’s budget and needs.

    Learn some simple tips for sustainable landscape design.

    Advantages of Landscaping Using Low Maintenance Plants

    While every homeowner dreams of having a beautiful garden space, not everyone always has the time or money to maintain a lovely landscape. While common gardening tasks for certain plants, such as weeding, watering, deadheading, and pruning, can often takes hours out of your day, incorporating low maintenance plants into your landscape design can significantly reduce the amount of time spent working in the garden.

    Choosing low maintenance landscaping plants can provide you with a garden that looks great all year round. When choosing the best plants to use in your garden space, consider looking for low maintenance plants that have disease resistance, do well in both warm and cold temperatures, and do not need to be staked.

    Popular Low Maintenance Plants

    Some popular low maintenance plants that you can consider using in your landscaping space include:


    One of the easiest plants that you can use in your landscaping, daylily will look neat and clean all season long and will produce beautiful blooms in early to mid-summer. The only upkeep this low maintenance plant requires is clearing away the dead growth once a year.


    Hosta is a wonderful low maintenance plant that requires no care all year long and is available in hundreds of different varieties. Similar to the daylily, the only care this plant requires is for you to remove the dead branches after a hard frost to allow the plant to regrow the falling year.


    If you are looking to incorporate an easy-to-care-for shrub in your landscape design, Spirea might be the right choice for you. Spirea plants are available in a range of sizes, from compact to very large shrubs, and produce beautiful blooms and colouring throughout the summer and fall months. While this type of low maintenance plants needs to be pruned once a year, it allows you to prune as much or as little as you want without compromising the next year’s growth.

    If you would like to learn more landscaping ideas on a budget or about using low maintenance plants, or if you are interested in one of our landscaping services, please contact Jovak Landscape and Design at 604-866-7186 or by filling out a contact form on our website.