Avoid These Common Landscaping Mistakes | Landscaping Blog


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    Avoid These Common Landscaping Mistakes

    Landscaping Tips | April 17, 2017

    Landscaping mistakes happen. Whether you are an experienced, professional landscaper or someone who just likes to spend time in their garden on weekends, some landscaping mistakes are completely unavoidable. Instead of focusing on the unavoidable, we’re going to turn our attention towards the more obvious landscaping blunders, gaffes and complete oversights that can easily be avoided.

    At Jovak Landscape & Design, we help clients throughout the Lower Mainland with our landscape design and landscape construction services. By hiring an professional landscaping company like Jovak Landscape & Design, you won’t have to worry about making mistakes again; however, if you choose to tackle your home’s landscaping projects on your own, try to avoid these common landscaping mistakes:

    Too many landscape decorations

    Decorations are fun and easy to install although it is important not to get carried away. Too many lawn gnomes and water features can become distracting and overbearing. Make sure that each decoration has a purpose and helps to improve the overall appeal of your landscape’s design.

    Forgetting to irrigate

    Irrigation is essential to a healthy lawn and garden. Forgetting to irrigate will have adverse effects, similar to what would happen to your body if you forgot to drink water throughout the summer. Over-watering is another landscaping mistake that is almost as common as forgetting to irrigate. Both over-watering and under-watering are bad for your lawn and plants. Avoid these mistakes by doing the following:

    • Conduct regular soil testing to determine whether or not the soil needs watering
    • Pay close attention to your city’s water program and restrictions
    • Schedule in time to water your lawn and plants each week
    • If you are going away on a holiday, ask your neighbours to take care of your watering while you are away

    Designing for aesthetic over functionality

    This is a common landscaping mistake among many inexperienced landscapers. Too often, homeowners plan their landscape design for complete curb appeal and aesthetic as opposed to overall functionality. As a result, they end up with a front yard or back yard that looks stylish, but cannot be used at all. Landscape design is all about striking the perfect balance of beauty and purpose.

    Lack of planning

    A complete lack of planning is the biggest problem that new landscapers face. When walking through a neighbourhood, it is quite easy to tell who planned their landscape design and who didn’t. When planning is neglected, problems begin to occur. Before leaping into your next landscape project, take the time to plan. Pick a theme, make a plan and draw it out on paper. In case you get lost in your design a couple of months down the road, you can refer back to your plan to get yourself back on track. Planning will also help with the cost management of your landscape project.

    Have a question about a landscaping project? Want to learn more about how to avoid common landscaping mistakes? Start a conversation with Jovak Landscaping today. Contact us at 604-866-7186 or fill out a form on our website. We specialize in landscape design and construction throughout the Lower Mainland.