How to Winterize an Outdoor Kitchen | Jovak Landscape & Design


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    How to Winterize an Outdoor Kitchen

    With winter fast approaching, now is the time to start thinking about getting your outdoor kitchen ready for winter to ensure that it will be in optimal working condition in the spring. If you do not know how to winterize an outdoor kitchen, following these simple tips from the landscape construction experts at Jovak Landscape & Design will help ensure that you are taking the right steps for keeping your outdoor kitchen safe throughout the winter months.

    Find out what you should take into consideration when designing an outdoor kitchen.

    1. Clean Out the Fridge

    While most outdoor fridges do not have to be moved inside during the wintertime, it is important to switch off the power and to empty out the fridge before the outdoor temperature begins to drop. Make sure to thoroughly clean both the inside and outside of the fridge with a non-abrasive cleaner and to empty out and turn off the ice maker.

    2. Shut Off Waterlines

    Since water that is left in your outdoor kitchen’s pipes can freeze when the temperature drops outside, you will need to shut off the water valve and drain the pipes to prevent them from potentially bursting. Make sure that all of the water is drained from the supply line and the faucet.

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    3. Maintain the Grill

    It is always a good idea to clean your grill, even if you plan on using it occasionally throughout the winter. Consider using a degreaser with a stainless-steel polish and using a metal brush to clean hard to reach areas. You should also clean the cooking grates before seasoning them by wiping vegetable oil on both sides of the cooking grates and heating the grill to about 500-degrees Fahrenheit, keeping the lid closed for 20 minutes.

    If your grill uses natural gas and you do not plan on using the grill during the wintertime, make sure to also turn off the gas line.

    4. Cover or Seal Surfaces

    Taking the time to cover surfaces and appliances will help prevent wear, cracks, and stains caused by the cold, wet weather. When covering surfaces, it is important to ensure that no moisture can be trapped underneath the cover, as this could lead to more damage than leaving the surfaces exposed.

    Depending on the types of surfaces in your outdoor kitchen, you may also want to apply sealers and finishers. Stainless steel appliances and cabinets should be coated with a stainless-steel finisher, while wood cabinets and surfaces should be oiled.

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    If you would like to learn more about how to winterize an outdoor kitchen, or if you are looking to have an outdoor kitchen installed in your backyard, please get in touch with Jovak Landscape & Design at 604-866-7186 or by filling out a contact form on our website. You can also stay up to date with the latest landscape design news by following us on Facebook.