Landscape Design Tips for High-Traffic Areas | Landscaping Blog


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    Landscape Design Tips for High-Traffic Areas

    Landscape design tips for high-traffic areas can be a great way to both functionality and personality to your landscaping. At Jovak Landscape and Design, we offer a selection of landscaping services, which are ideal for maintaining high-traffic areas in your yard.

    If you’re a beginner, learn how to get started with your landscaping project.

    1. Take Care of Grass

    If grass is involved in the high-traffic area you are looking to maintain, it is important to ensure that the grass is watered regularly, and visitors take care to not stand on the grass for excessive periods of time. By giving grass the right amount of water, it will be able to develop a strong root system, which will be better able to stand up to heavy foot traffic.

    2. Install Turf

    A great alternative to grass is artificial turf. Turf can provide a contemporary look to any commercial space or modern residential landscaping and can stand up to heavier foot traffic than natural grass can.

    Follow these landscape tips for new construction homes.

    3. Use Gravel

    Gravel is another excellent landscaping option for high-traffic areas, such as paths, borders, and courtyards, and is especially ideal for wetter areas that can become muddy. Gravel is a fairly inexpensive landscaping option and is available in a wide range of different sizes, textures, and colours.

    4. Use Traffic-Tolerant Plants

    Taller plants are usually the best option for high-traffic areas, as they can handle a little more roughness than other types of plants. Some shrubs and perennials are better suited for high-traffic areas, including boxwoods or day lilies. Both of these types of plants can tolerate a fair amount of traffic without becoming misshapen or stems being broken and offer a variety of different styles to choose from.

    Consider planting some of these low-maintenance shrubs.

    If you would like to learn more landscape design tips for high-traffic areas, or if you are interested in one of our landscaping services, please contact Jovak Landscape and Design at 604-866-7186 or by filling out a contact form on our website.